FR / NL / EN

Inner Crumble

- Gâteaux-émotions -

︎Investigation bureau around emotions and pastry-making︎

Misfortune cookie
Ice scream
Banana Split up

Can baking be presented as an artistic medium that would reach our five senses and allow us to approach the complexity of our emotions ?
Can we externalise our emotions through an activity as common as making a cake ?
As well as comfort, can taste relate to emotions such as anger, sadness or bitterness ?
Can we make the link between works of art and cakes (aesthetics, relationship to the offering, relationship to the creation/production process, relationship to creativity) ?
Can a recipe be considered as an instruction-based artwork ?  
What is the heritage of our patriarchal society in the choice of this medium ? 
These questions are the starting points of an empirical artistic research using pastry as an artistic medium. It allows great freedom and plasticity in the expression of such complex notions as human emotions.